Five classification methods of relays, understand the types of relays in one article

Five classification methods of relays, understand the types of relays in one article

Summary: 1. Classified by purpose From the purpose of classification of relays, it can be divided into two t...
1. Classified by purpose
From the purpose of classification of relays, it can be divided into two types: control relays and protection relays.
Among them: thermal relays, overcurrent relays, and undervoltage relays are all protective relays. The time relay, speed relay, and intermediate relay are control relays.
Five classification methods of relays, understand the types of relays in one article
2. Classified by working principle
According to the working principle, the relays can be classified into electromagnetic relays, inductive relays, thermal relays, mechanical relays, electric relays and electronic relays.
3. Classification according to the parameters of the reaction
According to the reaction parameter, that is, according to the action signal to classify, it can be divided into current relay, voltage relay, time relay, speed relay and power relay.
4. Classified by action time
The relays are classified according to the action time, and the relays can be classified into instantaneous relays (action time less than 0.05s) and delay relays (action time greater than 0.15s).
5. Classification by output form
The relays are classified according to the output form, and the relays can be divided into contact type relays and non-contact type relays.
In the electric drive system, the most used relays are generally electromagnetic relays.
The above are the five classification methods of relays, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.